Adjunct Professor and Undergraduate Business Student Win Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics
March 20, 2024
Baruch College awarded its 2023 Abraham J. Briloff Prizes in Ethics to a faculty member and an undergraduate student who submitted essays related to concerns about ethical practices in professional life.
Relevant ethics in professional life topics include but are not limited to: ethical decision making for managers and professionals related to business enterprises, the ethical and social implications of investment policies, ethics in public policy, ethics in law and medicine, ethics in the academic world, the ethics of business and government relations, and corporate accountability.
The prizes are funded by a gift from alumnus Charles R. Dreifus (’66, MBA ’73) in honor of Abraham J. Briloff, Emanuel Saxe Distinguished Professor of Accountancy Emeritus.
Faculty Award: Philosophy Adjunct Yingshihan Zhu
Yingshihan Zhu, an adjunct in the Philosophy Department at the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences, won for her essay, “The Moral Obligation of the Privileged to Resist Complacency about Their Own Oppression.”
The members of the prize committee said Zhu’s essay, under review for publication, is an “excellent examination of moral responsibility to others who may be similarly but more severely disadvantaged as oneself.”
Zhu is currently a doctoral candidate in philosophy at the Graduate Center of City University of New York.
She will receive $1,500 for this award.
Student Winner: Business Undergraduate Anastasiia Semerianova
Anastasiia Semerianova (’26), a sophomore planning to major in either economics or accounting, was selected for her essay, “The Harm from Antibiotic Usage,” which she wrote for an ENG 2100T class taught by Professor Constantin Schreiber.
According to the prize committee, Semerianova’s paper “goes beyond the identifying a moral harm by suggesting steps to solve or ameliorate the identified problem.”
Semerianova is a current analyst and an internal affairs committee member of the Baruch Business Bridge Club.
The student award is $500.
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