Baruch College MFE Students Land Record Number of Internships and Job Placements
July 22, 2020

As Spring 2020 semester wrapped up, Baruch MFE students achieved a 10 percent placement rate and all-time compensation highs in both full-time employment and summer internships.
Despite the economic fallout of the current global pandemic, students in Baruch College’s Masters of Financial Engineering (MFE) program logged impressive results in launching and advancing their careers.
As Spring 2020 semester wrapped up, Baruch MFE students achieved a 100 percent placement rate and all-time compensation highs in both full-time employment and summer internships.
“We are proud of our students and very appreciative of our partners in industry,” said Dan Stefanica, PhD, co-director of the MFE program. “Furthermore, we are equally proud of the continued success of our alumni who are also on ascending tracks in their careers.” From December 2019 – May 2020, all 30 MFE students landed full-time positions within three months of graduation, with first-year base salary, plus signing bonus, as high as $235,000 and averaging $147,000. Employers included some of New York’s and the nation’s leading companies, including Bank of America, Barclays, BlackRock, Citadel, Credit Suisse, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, and UBS.
In addition, MFE students received 26 summer internship offers in a mix of remote and on-site formats. Stefanica said that Baruch’s industry partners worked hard to ensure the internships, “a sign of strong appreciation for the relationship they have with our Baruch MFE Program and community,” he said.
Learn more about the Master of Financial Engineering Program at the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences.
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