Baruch College Student Awarded True Ventures’ Priya Haji Fellowship
June 18, 2018
Michelle Sheu (‘18), a Macaulay Honors student, was awarded True Ventures’ Priya Haji Fellowship, which helps recent college graduates launch their careers in the startup world.
The fellowship, which runs from September 2018 to May 2019, pairs fellows with True Venture companies located in the San Francisco Bay area. During that time, program participants will develop foundational skills to help them build careers in high-growth technology startups.
The program, which is open to all students completing their undergraduate studies, aims to award half of its fellowships to women. According to True Venture, the company recognize its “obligation to train the next generation of entrepreneurs and hope to help young women in particular” who “are inspired by technology’s potential to create change for good and could benefit from access to our network.”
Looking to Lead Digital Companies
Sheu, who graduated with a CUNY Bachelor of Arts in Unique and Interdisciplinary Design for Social Innovation, is “interested in the design factors that influence urban and intersectional issues.”
“I hope to transfer my skills from working closely with digital products to skills that will help me lead digital companies,” said Sheu. “There is a great disparity between the products offered by the private and public sectors, and I intend to bridge the gap between the two by bringing innovation to citywide governments and local services.”
Resource for Students
At Baruch College, students can learn about a wide range of funding opportunities from the Office of National & Prestigious Fellowships Advising. Here, the staff is available to help navigate the application process for fellowships and scholarships, including writing proposals.
In recent years, Baruch students have been awarded Fulbright Fellowships, Critical Language Scholarships, Jeannette K. Watson Fellowships, among many others.
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